25 High DA .Gov Websites For Free Link Building. List of 25 .Gov Websites

4 min readAug 31, 2021

Backlinks are important for SEO. But it is not easy to get backlinks from .edu and .gov websites. You need a proper link building strategy and the list of .edu and .gov websites. Today we will discuss about .gov backlinks and provide a list of .gov websites for creating free backlinks. So if you are a blogger and looking for .gov backlink websites, then please read this article carefully. It will be very useful for you.

25 .Gov Backlink Websites

In this article, we provide a list of 25 high DA .gov websites, that provides high value and high authority to your site. So, If you want to earn high authority .gov backlinks, please read this guide carefully.

What Are .Gov Backlinks?

Links, come from government websites to your website, called .gov backlinks. Gov backlinks are very special, because .gov domain name is a reserved domain name and used only for government websites. If we talk about .gov domain name, then this domain names is reserved for goverment websites and not available for personal blogs and websites.

Link bilding is an essential part of off-page SEO. And .gov backlinks have special importance in link building. Gov backlinks means getting backlinks from websites whose domain name is .gov. In simple words, the links coming to your blog or website from government websites, called .gov backlinks.

Why .gov backlinks are important?

Websites with .gov domain names are very special. Because this domain names is restricted to government websites and not available for everyone. That means, you can not buy a .gov domain like, .com, .in, .net, .org, .info and other top-level domains. That is why the value of .gov websites is very high in the eyes of Google.

How to create .gov backlinks?

You can earn permanent and workable backlinks from government websites, but it is not easy. For this, you must have a quality website, that’s worthy of backlinks from .gov websites. And your content shuld be useful and relevant for citizens. If you have a quality website, please follow these methods to create a high authorith .gov backlink.

Create Resources Page

Most government websites offer links to external resources that are relevant and helpful for citizens. And it is a great opportunity to get high quality backlinks from government websites. For example, You can target a government website and create a guide for citizens, that how can they apply for "Fasal Beema Yojna"

Target Broken Links

A broken link is a link on a website, that does not work because of one or more reasons. Such as entering incorrect URL, deleting the webpage, moving the webpage permanently etc. If you click a broken link, you’ll see a 404 Error page or similar message explaining the webpage you try to reach, is not available. A broken link is also known as a dead link.

Broken links are extremely harmful for SEO and no one wants to have a broken link on their website. So it is a great opportunity for you, if you find a broken link on any website.

If you find a broken link on a website, then create a similar webpage on your website. And request the website owner to replace the broken link with your link. This is how you can get high authority backlinks from .gov websites through broken links or dead links.

List of 25 .Gov Websites

Now, we discuss about Top25 high DA, PA and high authority .gov websites. Here is the list of 25 High DA free .gov websites, where you can create free backlinks for your site. All the websites, given in the list, are tested by SEOLink Team And all are genuine and working. DA (Domain Authority) is cheaked on August 31, 2021) and 100% correct.

  1. https://financialservices.house.gov/blog/

2. https://www.healthit.gov/buzz-blog/
3. http://community.sba.gov/
4. https://www.doleta.gov/
5. https://transtats.bts.gov/
6. https://blogs.cdc.gov/
7. http://rib.uscourts.gov/
8. http://calepa.ca.gov/
9. http://tn.primrose.wi.gov/
10. http://evidencewarehouse.ocp.dc.gov/
11. https://www.fws.gov/
12. https://wind.nrel.gov/
13. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov
14. https://www.weather.gov/
15. https://www.samhsa.gov/
16. http://elad.lbl.gov/
17. https://www.uspto.gov/blog/
18. http://reboot.fcc.gov/blog
19. https://www.uspsoig.gov/blog/
20. https://blogs.state.gov/
21. http://gio.wi.gov/Home/tabid/94/ctl/Register/Default.aspx
22. https://www.foodsafety.gov/
23. https://libraries.blogs.delaware.gov/
24. https://community.nicic.gov/forum/
25. https://training.fema.gov/

Top-25 .Gov Websites For Free Backlinks

These are Top-25 High DA .Gov websites, where you can create high authrity backlinks for your website. All the websites, given in the list above, are tested by SEOLink. And all the websites are 100% genuine and working.

Hope, this article will be helpful for you. And you will earn .gov backlinks from high DA PA and high authority government websites. If you find, this article is useful for you, please like and share this article with others on social edia platforms.




SEOLink is a SEO blog, that provides high DA backlink for free.